Tuesday, March 17, 2020

In the midst of Corona (Virus)

wow wow wow

how things change.

We are in the midst of a 'Pandemic...' world wide. Who would have thunk it?  Its crazy that in a few short days we went from being jealous of a small number of teachers who were getting an "extended spring break" thanks to some school districts being cautious; to a full blown national shut down of ALL schools. 

Be careful what you wish for I guess.

This is crazy. Cities shut down, curfews in place, shelter in place recommendations. 

Life takes a lot of crazy turns, many dips and highs, with fantastic feelings in all ranges. It is a crazy thing, this life. Like a carefully crafted quilt with different pieces sew together in odd little patterns that end up making a beautiful mosaic.

In the midst of this national 'emotional contagion' catastrophe I find myself hopeful for once, not based on fairy tales and romantic moving endings...based on what I can see, hear, and feel.

I made a major decision and moved (only 7 short months ago) from Denver, CO to Phoenix, AZ. I could say back to AZ, but it has been so vastly different this time around. I'm here by myself. And I'm glad. Life is opening up in so many different ways this time around. More than I could have wished for, hoped for and even dreamed off. 

Love comes 'round in mysterious ways. People who you think are your closest friends may not be. Those that you love deeply, may not love you back the same way. Egos need to be rubbed. And hurt in my honest opinion.

I'm glad I'm stocked full of crafts and coloring books, surround by friends.  We'll see what tomorrow brings. i hope this shit doesn't go on for months. Thats insane but possible.

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